Ferdinando Ambrosino  

by Jean-Pierre Faye

Darkness. The night is of every colour. Maybe a thousand and one.

To accost colour from every side: this is Ferdinando Ambrosino's job. A shadow that is red. Or that blazes yellow. Starting from the Springs of 1967, in a becoming towards sibylline women in 1991.

When it enters a book, painting does not lose its movement. On the contrary, it gains an extra one, which is the marvel of transformation, page by page.

Thus the transformat is explored, which is something that operates in language, in history, in landscape, in other words the thing, at their junction as narration. Narrating figure, notes Carmine Benincasa: the road “of distant geographies to recount to the world”, there it is, leafed through, as the pages follow on, almost line by line, painting by painting. Painting in a book is narrative joy here. Truly a pirate-style accostment of the world sensation.

Vivacious and highly unususal, in this opera of colours, where the song bursts forth like a musical wave of Schönberg's, between the Verklärte Nacht and the enigmatic and unprecedented Wanderer, written by him for a sequence of Nietzsche's Zarathustra.

Second Renaissance, in fact, because it is Italy that permanently announces it, and invents painting for Europe.


Armando Verdiglione

A. Verdiglione


Fernando Arrabal

F. Arrabal


Carmine Benincasa

C. Benincasa


Roger Dadoun

R. Dadoun


Dominique Desanti

D. Desanti


Jean-Pierre Faye

J.- P. Faye


Alice Granger

A. Granger


Domenico Rea

D. Rea



The Second Renaissance


Spirali - Spirali is a cultural publishing house. It was founded in Milan on 5 February 1973 and has established a specific and unique catalogue over the years ever since.

The Second Renaissance - Founded in 1973, the Second Renaissance is a group responding to a cultural, artistic and intellectual demand that became apparent around the planet on the threshold of the third millennium.

The material published in this website is taken from the limited edition art book: Ferdinando Ambrosino, L'icona mediterranea, Spirali 2003.