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Principal Dates

1916 Andrej Gavrilovic Lyssenko was born on July, 16th, in the village of Sandat, in the District of Rostov.

1928 He ends primary school and leaves his native town to enrol in the Secondary School in the town of Sal'sk.

1931 He begins to study figurative art at the Vocational Art School of Krasnodar. 1936 He graduates with full marks at the Vocational Art School and moves to Moscow where he is admitted to the second year of study at the Art Institute "Surikov".

1941 By state decree all promising young artists of the Art Institute "Surikov" are transferred to Samarcanda.

1944 The "Surikov" Institute returns to Moscow and begins regular lessons again.

1947 Lyssenko paints his work for his graduation, entitled "The Oath".

1948 He is admitted in the Union of Russian painters.

1950 He marries Margarita. 1951 Birth of his daughter Ljuba.

1953 He paints the picture The baby's bath.

1954-1956 He travels through the Virgin Lands.

1957 He travels through Middle Russia, Baltic countries, Kuban' and Northern Caucasus, Ukraine and Moldova.

1973 The Soviet Government bestows on Andrej Lyssenko the title of "Meritory Artist of Russia".

1974 He visits Italy for the first time.

1976 He goes to France for the first time.

1987 Lyssenko is present in the United States at the Russian Art Exhibition with some of his paintings, such as The Oath, Lenin on the armoured car.

1992-1996 The Museum of Washington purchases series of his paintings.

1996 A personal show in the state hall of exhibitions "Zamoskvorech'e" is organized on the occasion of the artist's eightieth birthday.

1999 Exhibition of his paintings at the Museum of the Villa San Carlo Borromeo in Senago-Milan.

Paintings of this artist are present in the following Russian museums:

"Tret'jakov" State Gallery, Moscow; State History Museum, Moscow; Museum of the Revolution, Moscow; PVO Museum, Moscow; Museum of Figurative Arts of Krasnodar; Gallery of Sal'sk; Museum of Arts of Tomsk; Museum of Abramzewo; Museum of Arts of Samara; Museum of Arts of Brjansk. His works are also present in museums, galleries and private collections in the following countries: Great Britain; USA; Australia; Belgium; Germany; Holland; Italy; Ireland; Canada; Russia; France; Japan.

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