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Villa San Carlo Borromeo - On the outskirts of Milan, in the midst of a historical park spread over ten hectares, the Villa San Carlo Borromeo welcomes its guests. Already a Celtic settlement in the eighth century BC, it later became a Roman stronghold, then the Longobards turned it into a fortress. In the fourteenth century, the Visconti family started construction of the building that still stands today, which was bought by the Borromeo family. San Carlo Borromeo (St. Charles Borromeo) was a frequent visitor to the Villa and, in 1630, Cardinal Federico Borromeo gathered some of the best theologians of the time there so as to save them from the plague in Milan. The Villa San Carlo Borromeo is mentioned by writers and narrators of the Sforza period, among others, and later by Diderot, Pindemonte, Stendhal and Croce. Leonardo da Vinci visited it several times during his lengthy stays in Milan. Today, it is frequented by scientists, poets and artists.
The Second Renaissance - The Second Renaissance group, founded in 1973, responds to a cultural, artistic and intellectual need perceived throughout the world at the dawn of the third millennium. Its committment is to provide the instruments, useful to each one of us, for production, writing, publishing, art, research, training and invention. The group integrates international and cross-sector aspects in science, culture and art. It produces, distributes, promotes and sells editorial, artistic, scientific and cultural products, as well as providing services and consultancy.
Dizionario di cifrematica
Dizionario di cifrematica - Dictionary of Ciphermatics) - CIPHERMATICS, THE SCIENCE OF THE WORD, ITS LOGIC, ITS STRUCTURE, ITS CIPHER. The dictionary contains roughly six thousand terms - six million characters - and their historical development since 1973, the year in which linguistic research in ciphermatics began to take definite and written form.
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